Saturday, 25 October 2014

A luxurious day deepening the connections of body and mind

breath  &
silence. . .

imagine . . .   ~ deepening your experience of body and breath
through . . .  ~ simple, powerful Feldenkrais movements
      and . . .  ~ a little bit of meditation
    enjoy . . .  ~ a gentle day, settling, going inside and listening

Saturday November 1st  9.30 - 4pm

@ Fern Tree Community Centre, 
8 Stephenson Place, Fern Tree

cost is $80 for the day

bookings are essential: space is limited
contact Wendy: 0447 120 688, 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Continuing series: Movement and the Art of Changing your Age

Using the science and wisdom of the Feldenkrais Method, you can unravel long-held patterns to refresh your body and mind.

The gentle guided movement sequences we will follow, remind us of movement that - with age or injury- drop out of our movement vocabulary. The lessons create more ease, grace and vitality: quite literally giving a sense of "Changing your Age" !

For information, see the class schedule, email me or give me a call: 0447 120 688,

Friday, 15 August 2014

Feldenkrais and Acquired Brain Injury Awareness Week 2014

Much to my surprise I find myself working more and more with people with Acquired Brain Injury. Along with private clients, including people with ABI, stroke, and MS, I am  now teaching group Awareness Through Movement classes to Headway clients: what a wonderful setting to be applying this work!

Feldenkais can bring about meaningful change in movement and behaviour, regrooving the neurological pathways of the damaged brain. Cat gave me a wonderful metaphor, as a way to think about recovery from ABI. It's as if the injured brain has had an earthquake. The normal terrain has been disrupted, irrevocably. All the usual pathways have been upturned, sunk into a void, been buried. Doing this work allows the beginning of a goat track to form. With patient repetition and inquiry, the goat track becomes wide enough for a person to walk the track. Then two people sides by side, then a bike, a cart, a car until there is a clear road, and finally a  motorway! But as Cat says in this audio, its a long patient process. HAVE A LISTEN!

 Thank you Headway for seeking me out!

Friday, 18 April 2014

What is PAIN really?

1 in 5 Australians suffer from chronic pain. This video was a joint project of GP Access and the Hunter Integrated Pain Service.

Chronic pain specialists suggest exploring a variety of approaches to support the management of chronic pain, including brain retraining through movement that is free from any fear, just like Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement lessons!

And here, famous Neuroscience researcher Lorimer Mosely describes the neurology of Chronic pain

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Movement and the Art of Changing your Age!

Using the science and wisdom of the Feldenkrais Method, you can unravel long-held patterns to refresh your body and mind.

The gentle guided movement sequencs we will follow, remind us of movement that - with age or injury- drop out of our mvement vocabulary. The lessons create more ease, grace and vitality: quite literally giving a sense of "Changing your Age" !

For information, see the class schedule, email me or give me a call: 0447 120 688,

Friday, 21 March 2014

stand Tall, walk Tall

 Rediscover you natural joy and pleasure in walking. . .

 Restore a sense of ease and grace to your movement. . . 

Maybe you're recovering from an injury, or perhaps you walk walk beautifully and just want to keep it that way!

Either way, these gentle, profound Feldenkrais movements will help you establish more ease and comfort for a lifetime of walking.
In these Awareness through Movement classes we will explore movement patterns that enhance walking, improve balance, and develop the fluid motion of your shoulders and hips.

No previous experience necessary

Classes are suitable for all ages and levels of mobility. They are also supportive for people recovering from illness or injury


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Mindful Movement~ ~ Summer 2014

Through gently listening and paying attention to our bodies we can discover what it is like to feel grounded, confident and refreshed. In these guided movement classes using the Feldenkrais Method® we will explore simple yet powerful movements to bring about change, allowing you to find your natural strength and alignment.

The classes will have a soft focus on movement patterns that benefit neck and shoulder tension and generally ease your movement.
See class schedule for when and where.