Watch this brilliant 3 minute video to give
yourself a taste of what the Feldenkrais Method® really is about!
The Feldenkrais Method® (rhymes with "rice") is a unique approach to
movement and learning. Many of us have habits of holding that make us use more
effort than we need to. We often don't realise that that's what we do. If you
have discomfort, pain or difficulty with your mobility, I can help you
experience and learn new, more comfortable, satisfying ways to move.
There are two ways to experience the Feldenkrais Method: individual Functional Integration (FI) sessions, and group classes, called Awareness through Movement (ATM) classes.
When you come for a one-on-one FI session, we will work with gentle guided movements to give you a felt experience of easier movement. We will utilize the brain's neuroplastic capacity to bring about change.
Through the use of subtle, novel, gentle guided movement sequences, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons allow you to experience profound changes in the way you move and function; no stretching, manipulating or 'correcting' is required.
The movement patterns we will explore together help to identify, and let go of, unnecessary effort, so you can move in accordance with the structure of your skeleton and experience less strain and tension throughout your whole body. With this, comes an increased strength, grace and sense of well-being.
This learning can make all of life's daily activities easier, as well as improve performance in athletics, movement, dance and music.
Here is an article by popular Neuroscientist Dr Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself, and The Brain's Way of Healing.
Some of the benefits of Feldenkrais include:
There are two ways to experience the Feldenkrais Method: individual Functional Integration (FI) sessions, and group classes, called Awareness through Movement (ATM) classes.
When you come for a one-on-one FI session, we will work with gentle guided movements to give you a felt experience of easier movement. We will utilize the brain's neuroplastic capacity to bring about change.
Through the use of subtle, novel, gentle guided movement sequences, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons allow you to experience profound changes in the way you move and function; no stretching, manipulating or 'correcting' is required.
The movement patterns we will explore together help to identify, and let go of, unnecessary effort, so you can move in accordance with the structure of your skeleton and experience less strain and tension throughout your whole body. With this, comes an increased strength, grace and sense of well-being.
This learning can make all of life's daily activities easier, as well as improve performance in athletics, movement, dance and music.
Here is an article by popular Neuroscientist Dr Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself, and The Brain's Way of Healing.
Some of the benefits of Feldenkrais include:
•Restoring function after an injury and preventing
secondary injuries from unconscious compensations
•Reducing or eliminating chronic pain
•Refining skills as athletes, dancers, musicians,
martial artists, and other performance artists
•Reducing the effects of stress and tension
•Improving posture, balance and breathing
•Increasing flexibility & range of motion
without stretching or straining
•Relieving neurological conditions, (such as
stroke, M.S., C.P., and Parkinson's), by improving coordination, ease of
movement, stamina, and stability
•Helping people stay active & flexible as they
age. Loss of function, stooped posture, and restricted movement are often
thought inevitable as we age. While we recommend the Method for prevention,
it's never too late to learn to move more easily and comfortably, and recover
lost function.