Roxy learns to frog her legs and side bend: getting ready to roll over |
Do you have concerns about
* Feeding issues
* Tummy time difficulty
* Skipped or delayed milestones
* Bottom shuffling or toe walking
* High or low muscle tone
* Self-regulation
* Over or under sensitivity to touch, sound, temperature, textures,
movement etc.
* Frustration or learning 'blocks'
* Limited movement repertoire
* Difficulties with walking, running, jumping, climbing, balance or coordination?
The Feldenkrais Method is an early intervention that can improve
long-term outcomes for babies and children with special needs. Our focus is on learning rather than "fixing", and supports all
children to maximize their potential, no matter what their diagnosis.
Individual Sessions
Hands-on sessions are particularly helpful for parents who have
specific questions or concerns regarding their child’s development. The nature of your concerns may be:
Hip Dysplasia
Postural issues
Premature babies
Delayed milestones (developmental delay)
Tummy-time refusal
Bottom shuffling
Toe walking
High or low muscle tone
Poor movement repertoire
Visual impairment causing delayed development
Sensory Processing issues
Difficulty with self-regulation, concentration and focus
Sensory defensiveness or sensory seeking
Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Sessions are arranged for local and regional clients in either
weekly sessions, or intensive therapy ‘blocks’, depending on the needs of your child.
Call Wendy
on 0447 120 688 or Bellerive Quay Health Hub: 6122 0150