Term 3, 2107
Sunday 30th JULY 2017
Working with clients including people in their nineties, Pamela Kihm describes how Ankle Flexibility is better than working Harder: Have a read!
Term 3, 2107
Sunday 30th JULY 2017
Mindful Movement and Neuroplasticity: Improving Movement, Reducing Pain and Calming your Mind
An Awareness Through Movement class that trains your nervous system (your brain) through attention to subtle movements of your body. We will be referencing the work of Norman Doidge to help understand how we learn and change through movement.

In each class, you will experience a series of gentle, sequential movements patterns, which serve to re-calibrate your nervous system, creating the opportunity to let go of old patterns of movement (and stiffness, pain and discomfort) and imprint new, simpler, more comfortable ways of moving. And your body and mind will become calmer. . .
OKINES Community House
Dodges Ferry
July 7th for 8 weeks
3.30 - 4.30 pm Fridays
$160 for the series, $22 drop in rate
An Awareness Through Movement class that trains your nervous system (your brain) through attention to subtle movements of your body. We will be referencing the work of Norman Doidge to help understand how we learn and change through movement.

In each class, you will experience a series of gentle, sequential movements patterns, which serve to re-calibrate your nervous system, creating the opportunity to let go of old patterns of movement (and stiffness, pain and discomfort) and imprint new, simpler, more comfortable ways of moving. And your body and mind will become calmer. . .
OKINES Community House
Dodges Ferry
July 7th for 8 weeks
3.30 - 4.30 pm Fridays
$160 for the series, $22 drop in rate
Term Two, 2017
A Three week intensive from May 5th to May 19th.
Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Classes
for your
Pelvis, Hips and Pelvic Floor
These gentle lessons further develop the themes introduced in Joanna's recent "A Better Functioning Pelvic Floor" workshops.
Many of us don't realise that the muscles of the pelvic floor contribute to our breathing, balance, and posture. Our pelvis is central to all movement, and is connected to all the largest, most powerful muscles in the body. Free, fluent movement of the pelvis and hips allows the structures above and below to happily move in all planes.
This 3week course begins Friday May 5th.
Cost: $60 or $22 for drop ins.
Okines Community Centre, Dodges Ferry
3.30 - 4.30pm.
Term Two, 2017
Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Classes
for your
Pelvis, Hips and Pelvic Floor
These gentle lessons further develop the themes introduced in Joanna's recent "A Better Functioning Pelvic Floor" workshops.

This 3week course begins Friday May 5th.
Cost: $60 or $22 for drop ins.
Okines Community Centre, Dodges Ferry
3.30 - 4.30pm.
Term One 2017
Feldenkrais is back in Dodges Ferry!!
More Feldenkrais for Everyday Life: moving naturally
More Feldenkrais for Everyday Life: moving naturally
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes resume on Friday February 10th for a 9 week term, until Easter.

Whatever our age or level of fitness, we can all learn to move more easily, with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. . . not through muscle strength, but by increasing the awareness of how our system connects to create our movements.
Our gentle Feldenkrais lessons re-mind and re-make the neurological connections that form the basis of our everyday movements. With these lessons, fundamental movements like reaching (to close your curtains), bending (to tie your laces), rolling over, and getting up from your chair will be simpler and less effort.
Class is on Fridays at 3.30 at 25 Okines Community House, Dodges Ferry.
Cost: $180 for 9 sessions
Bookings are essential as space is limited
Drop-ins welcome provided there is space, and if you've missed a few sessions that's OK too: just give me a call!The Drop-in rate is $22 per session.
International Feldenkrais Federation video: Feldenkrais for Everyday Life. . .
Arm Rest: Movement as a Tonic to Ease your Neck and Shoulders
Get rid of creaks and groans in your neck and shoulders using Movement as a Tonic!

Okines Community House, Dodges Ferry
Fridays at 3.30pm,
from May 15th
$144 for 8 classes
Introduce a friend, and both pay $108 for the series
$18 per class
Pay by direct deposit or in class.
Workshops at the Okines Community Centre
Arm Rest: Movement as a Tonic for your Neck and Shoulders
The Awareness through Movement lessons in this 2 1/2 hour workshop will give you a small grab bag of skills in the form of gentle movements that you can use yourself at home to help ease stiff, sore neck and shoulders.
Whether you are a paddler, in front of your computer a lot, a golfer or a violinist, this work can offer new ways of understanding yourself in movement and help develop new more effective wholesome ways to move. With practice you can develop new sustainable patterns of movement and freedom in your neck and shoulders.
The video clips of a violinist and a white water kayak-er give a small glimpse of the benefits that are possible, and how we approach things in the Feldenkrais Method. You will be able to have an MP3 file of the lessons to bring home with you too!
When: Saturday 23rd May, 10 -12.30
Where: Okines Community House, Main Road Dodges Ferry (next to the Primary School and the Community Garden).
How much: $45 per person
What to bring: Wear comfy clothes, bring a couple of bath towels to use as head rest.
To book in, email me at unfurlyourself@gmail.com or call me on 0447 120 688
Perhaps you're a singer?
Maybe you just want to learn to help reduce tension and stress in your body? to breathe fluently and easily? to feel more stability through your entire system?
We all love to feel easy in our bodies, to experience joy and comfort in movement. And how would it be to feel this way, and for your voice to be strong and easy as you sing too? In this Workshop, using the Feldenkrais approach to learning - through movement - you will get a taste of freedom, adaptability and power in your breath, experience this through your voice, and find greater ease, stability and fluidity in your body.
Breath Voice and Posture WORKSHOP
Perhaps you're a singer?
Maybe you just want to learn to help reduce tension and stress in your body? to breathe fluently and easily? to feel more stability through your entire system?
We all love to feel easy in our bodies, to experience joy and comfort in movement. And how would it be to feel this way, and for your voice to be strong and easy as you sing too? In this Workshop, using the Feldenkrais approach to learning - through movement - you will get a taste of freedom, adaptability and power in your breath, experience this through your voice, and find greater ease, stability and fluidity in your body.
When: Saturday 2OTH JUNE, 10 -12.30
Where: Okines Community House, Main Road Dodges Ferry (next to the Primary School and the Community Garden).
How much: $45 per person
What to bring: Wear comfy clothes, bring a couple of bath towels to use as head rest.
To book in, email me at unfurlyourself@gmail.com or call me on 0447 120 688