Wednesday 7 March 2012

My responses to our Awareness Through Movement class

It's been so exciting working with these two new themes (freeing your neck and shoulders, and Feldenkrais for Yoga practitioners) for this lesson series, and I'm loving teaching such wonderful, warm, receptive groups!

What a challenge I've set myself teaching Yoga teachers and practitioners, and finding ways to weave the red threads of my Feldenkrais classes with the movement gestalts of the Yoga asanas I've paired them with. It's certainly pushing the boundaries of my understandings of the movement patterns we are exploring. I'm so grateful for the fabulous conversations we've been having as part of the reflective process in this class, and am learning a lot about my teaching and practice through this. It's clear that Feldenkrais can be a great lense through which to explore the Yoga asanas, adding a richness to all our experiences.

I'm so impressed by the way each person settles deeply and consciously into the work of the small movements of this method, and by the curiosity about the process and their own movements:)

Been thinking a lot about spirals and am finding more of a felt sense of the spiral patterns in all our movements. . . I guess that's what we do as we unfurl, too!

I'll put the reaching for a peach lesson up soon: see what you think!