Friday, 18 April 2014

What is PAIN really?

1 in 5 Australians suffer from chronic pain. This video was a joint project of GP Access and the Hunter Integrated Pain Service.

Chronic pain specialists suggest exploring a variety of approaches to support the management of chronic pain, including brain retraining through movement that is free from any fear, just like Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement lessons!

And here, famous Neuroscience researcher Lorimer Mosely describes the neurology of Chronic pain

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Movement and the Art of Changing your Age!

Using the science and wisdom of the Feldenkrais Method, you can unravel long-held patterns to refresh your body and mind.

The gentle guided movement sequencs we will follow, remind us of movement that - with age or injury- drop out of our mvement vocabulary. The lessons create more ease, grace and vitality: quite literally giving a sense of "Changing your Age" !

For information, see the class schedule, email me or give me a call: 0447 120 688,