Friday, 27 April 2012

Mindful Movement for Fibromyalgia Awareness Week

May 12th is International Awareness day for ME/CFS and FM. In recognition of this, and as part of their Autumn Tasters Program, the Hobart Women's Health Centre are offering an introductory Mindful Movement lesson on Monday 7th May.
Mindful Movement: A way to reconnect with your body through gentle movement and rest, with Christine and Wendy.
Christine will speak briefly and in simple terms about the immune system, how it relates to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ ME and how to develop an integrated approach to managing the symptoms of the illness. She will mention her myofascial bodywork, and other helpful approaches. Then Wendy will guide you through a gentle sequence of Feldenkrais movements, as a way to reconnect with your body through quiet movement, attentiveness and rest.
Session Details:
Mindful Movement
Monday May 7th, 2-3.30pm
Hobart Women's Health Centre
25 Lefroy St
North Hobart
Phone 6231 3212 to book a place
Gold coin donation
If you would like to read Julia's story about the benefits she gained by attending Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes, just go to: