Saturday, 21 April 2012

Some clarification about this week's Sweater lesson

I've been doing the Sweater lesson again since our class, investigating some refinements to the final sequence: opening the arms over your head. This is worth playing with on its own, if you don't recall the whole lesson.
When your forearms are cupping and resting on your face, or over your eyes, let your forehead take the weight of your arms. Really rest them.
Then gradually think of un-bending the elbow, still resting your upper arm on your face for as long as possible, sweeping your hand in an arc to a comfortable place of openness for your elbow.
Then, as you have done with the other end of your body, allow the weight of your elbow to slide your whole arm to the floor.
Reversing the movement, allow your elbow to draw your upper arm to slide onto your face, bringing your hand back in a arc and rest your whole arm, cupping your face.
If you are continuing the return journey of your arm/s to the floor beside you, remember to pause as your hands reach your shoulders,find rest for your arms on your chest, and let the weight of your elbows sink them to the floor, allowing your hands to follow to a soft resting place beside you.
No more problems with THIS, then!