Sunday, 15 April 2012

Feldenkrais with Hobart's Yoginis

We are just beginning our second series of Feldenkrais for Yoga Practitioners in the beautiful Weeroona Studio in North Hobart.
It is with excitement and delight that I have prepared the lessons for this series of classes. The challenge for me each week has been to match the movement gestalt of the Yoga asana, with a Feldenkrais lesson with a similar gestalt, enhance the felt sense of the asana at the end of the lesson
Up til now we have explored lessons relating to Cobra, Triconasana (Triangle Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist), Bidalasana (Cat Pose) and Baby Pose (Hooking the toe and lengthening the legs away).
- For those of you reading this with a Feldenkrais background, I paired these with Feldnkrais lessons Cobra and Eyes (Sphinx lesson AY96 with eyes AY 525), Tilting the knees inwards, Lesson 10 from the ATM book "the Movement of the Eyes Organises the Movement of the Body" fondly known as the dead Bird Lesson, Larry Goldfarb's Cat and Camel Lesson, and Stephanie Spinks' Hooking the Big Toe lesson-
These classes have been evolving with the group, and we now take 1hr 30 to 1hr 45 for our sessions. We take time at the beginning of each class to explore the asana which is the focus for the day, and then talk together about changes in awareness, physical and emotional responses, and thoughts that arise as a result of the lesson explorations.
There is a delicious sense of luxury in taking this time to explore asanas already so familiar and comfortable, and to look at the asana and ourselves in a new and different way.