Monday, 28 September 2015

Fluidity in your Hips and Pelvis

 As our lives move along, we often lose some of the flexibility and ease in our movement that we have been used to. Sitting on the floor is less comfortable, walking is more strenuous, and we lose track of how to use the power of the pelvis to support our posture and our movement through space.

In this 8 week series of delicious Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement classes you will find confidence, comfort, ease and power in your hips, pelvis and pelvic floor. You will feel more grounded, and connected to your entire body.

The series begins on Thursday October 15th at the new venues of

Hobart Breathing Space
13b Goulburn St


Bellerive Quay Health Hub
Corner Percy St & Cambridge Rd,

$ 145 for the series or $20 per session. Send me an email to book in or call me on 0447 120 688

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement comes to the West of Ireland

The chance came up for me to offer my wares in my local town square, right opposite the famous McCarthy's Bar  in Castltownbere, while away in  Ireland.

Cumasu (The Wellness Bus) comes to rural regions for brief spells throughout the summer, and spent a week in Castletown, giving practitioners the opportunity to offer classes and sessions to newcomers. We squeeeeezed nine people onto the floor for a sample class for  Easing the Neck and Shoulders.

In the following four weeks, classes continued in Margaret's delightful Yoga Studio in Crumpane, near our home village of Eyeries

Monday, 15 June 2015

Breath Voice and Posture WORKSHOP this weekend

Leading up to the Festival of Voices, here is the chance to develop more freedom, adaptability and power in your breath, experience this through your voice and find greater stability and fluidity in your body. . . and find the hum, hum, hummingbirds in your ribs!

Maybe you just want to learn to help reduce tension and stress in your body? to breathe fluently and easily? to feel more stability through your entire system?

In this workshop, using the Feldenkrais approach to learning - through movement - you will release your chest and mid-back, and free your ribs for easier, more adaptable breathing. You will learn techniques that are gentle, delicious and effective and can become part of your daily health routine, for staying flexible, active and strong.

When: Saturday 2OTH JUNE, 10 -12.30

Where: Okines Community House, Main Road Dodges Ferry (next to the Primary School and the Community Garden).


When: Sunday 21st June 

Where: Bellerive Quay Health Hub, corner of Percy St and Cambridge Road, Bellerive (entrance from the Percy st car park).

How much: $55 per person

What to bring: Wear comfy clothes, bring a couple of bath towels to use as head rest.

To book in, email me at or call me on 0447 120 688

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Norman Doidge, Neuroplasticity and Feldenkrais

Moshe Feldenkrais: a Neuro-scientist before his time.

In the last few years, Dr Norman Doidge has moved the conversation about the emerging field of Neuroplasticity in to popular mainstream science. In his recent book, "The Brain that Changes Itself”, he eloquently brings us an updated understanding of the brain - mind - body connections, and the brain's capacity to change through its neuroplastic qualities.

Now, in two chapters of his new book, "The Brain's Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity", Dr Doidge specifically demonstrates the links between the Feldenkrais Method and the latest research in neuroscience and rehabilitation. He describes how Feldenkrais lessons provide optimal conditions for learning, or in neuroscience speak, for maximising neuroplastic changes.

What makes neuroplasticity so exciting is that it completely upends how we once understood the brain. We now know the brain is a dynamic organ, one that can rewire and rearrange itself as the need arises. This is an insight from which all of us can benefit. People with severe illness or disorders — strokes, cerebral palsy, MS, learning disabilities, autism and the like — are the most obvious candidates, but who among us would not like to improve our movement, our ways of thinking, our attention to the habits that inform our everyday lives? 

Neuroplasticity is not only relevant for people rehabilitating from brain injuries or disfunction, but also for those of us who find ourselves stuck in patterns of tension that reduce our freedom of movement, limit our abilities and lead to strain and pain. Through the use of subtle self awareness and novel, gentle movement sequences, Feldenkrais lessons allow us to experience profound changes in the way you move and function; without stretching, manipulating or 'correcting'.
You can listen to an insightful interview with Dr Doidge on The Brain Science Podcast, here: scroll down til you get to “Norman Doidge: A Few Words about Feldenkrais".

Or, for more scientific research you can read "The Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method: A Systematic Review of the Evidence", by A Worley and Dr Susan Hillier from the International Centre for Allied Health Evidence, at the University of South Australia, here

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Mid-year classes begin this week

Mindful Movement and Neuroplasticity

An Awareness Through Movement class that trains your nervous system (your brain) through attention to subtle movements of your body.

In each class, you will experience a series of gentle, sequential movements patterns, which serve to re-calibrate the nervous system, creating the opportunity to let go of old patterns of movement (and stiffness, pain and discomfort) and imprint new, simpler, more easeful ways of moving.

North Hobart

Thursdays at 1.30 from May 21st

Arm Rest: Movement as a Tonic to Ease your Neck and Shoulders

Get rid of creaks and groans in your neck and shoulders using Movement as a Tonic! 

These gentle classes will smooth out uncomfortable restrictions and pain, and bring a renewed sense of comfort and ease to your movement.


Thursdays at 3.30pm, and 5.30pm
from May 14th


Dodges Ferry
Friday afternoons at 3.30pm 
from May 15th

If you can't make these classes, or just want to delve a little deeper and reinforce what you are learning, then you can come to the WORKSHOP  next weekend at OKINES COMMUNITY HOUSE for 2 1/2 hours of blissful relaxation through movement. . .

What to Bring

Please wear comfy clothes, and bring a couple of bath towels to use as a headrest. 

Breath Voice and Posture Class. . .  . is not continuing :(


Perhaps you're a singer?
Maybe you just want to learn to help reduce tension and stress in your body? to breathe fluently and easily? to feel more stability through your entire system?

We all love to feel easy in our bodies, to experience joy and comfort in movement.  And how would it be to feel this way, and for your voice to be strong and easy as you sing too? In this Workshop, using the Feldenkrais approach to learning - through movement - you will get a taste of freedom, adaptability and power in your breath, experience this through your voice, and find greater ease, stability and fluidity in your body. Take a look here.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Two new classes start next week : "Breath Voice and Posture" and "Re-Mastering Balance"

Breath Voice & Posture

Calling all singers!!
. . .  and those of you who just want to reduce tension and stress in your body. . .

We all love to feel easy in our bodies, to experience joy and comfort in movement.  And how would it be to feel this way, and for your voice to be strong and easy as you sing too? Using the feldenkrais approach to learning - through movement - you will develop freedom, adaptability and power in your breath and experience this through your voice, and find greater ease, stability and fluidity in your body.


Re-mastering Balance

Improve your balance, re-discover the joy of moving easily, and find comfort within yourself with Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes. 

Click here for the class times and locations